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Course Catalog > Lexington Courses > Wednesday Classes

Conscious Creatures Everywhere? Reading An Immense World (SIG)   

An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us, was one of the New York Times ten best books of 2022. From elephants to eels, owls to octopuses, dogs to dolphins, science journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner, Ed Yong, delightfully discloses what it might be like for fellow creatures to sense environments totally alien from ours, despite inhabiting the same air, water, turf as we do. This book begs to be read in a group: entirely too many jaw-dropping revelations occur about how animals perceive, perhaps feel, how even the most rudimentary critters turn out to seem savvy – too many revelations for one person to grasp and to appreciate upon one reading. Talking together, we will give ourselves time to deepen and connect our initial impressions of the variety of sensory experiences enjoyed by animal species living all around us. … And for your more philosophically inclined moments, we will reflect on the always-present questions: what does all this mean for who we are and for how we ought to regard our fellow beings? (Ed Yong will be giving a free lecture on An Immense World at Transylvania University on February 15th, 7 pm, Haggin Auditorium.)

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